onsdag 4 februari 2015

Box of Belongings- 2012-2013

                                                           Meet Mr Bernard Bunny!
        He is an old gift I started to make int the summer of  2012 and I finished it in summer 2013.
I had an idea that I wanted to make a small box as a diningroom with animal-humanlike dolls. '
 The story behind the character is dark and mysterious. When you look into the box the walls are dirty(patinated) and there is spiderweb on  the clock and the bookshelf. In the doll's hand is a bottle containing an introduction of who he is and what The storyteller(Me) want the owner to find out. In the  livingroom there are more bottles and letters with clues to solve the mystery.

                                     He lives in this box containing only a small livingroom.

                                                           This picture is my favourite.

                                                      Here he is, sitting in his livingroom.

                                   Behind all the furniture are little hidingspots for messages.

                                   Even the mirror has a message, if youknow how to read it.


Some doodle thing I did yesterday. Inspiration from an old family-bible. Maybe a future tattoo? Then I should probably improve the text a little bit..

Fantasy map

  My own fantasy map! (A2) In our livingroom.

 North West: Västerbottens inland Sweden, Land of chocolate, Hogwarts, Hogsmeade.
 North East: The west of Middle Earth
 South West: Narnia, Cosplay Island
 South East: Earthsea

"The Northern Realm"- My dream map ^^ Painted with ink and coffee.

Wedding present for a friend! 31/1-2015

Patina and bottles

Helluuu! More paintings in Tursch!